Healthy Starts
Natural Pain Relief

Ready to Change Your Life?
Tired of feeling not quite right? Or even downright bad?
Whether you're struggling with pain, anxiety, or stress,
we can help you transform your life!
Back pain got you worrying "Is it ever going to get better?"
Let us help you get back to the life you want!
When anxiety's got you trapped in a holding pattern
we assist you to slow down your mind, quiet frenetic
energy, & nudge you to relax into your best self!
If you've been to all the specialists and gotten more frustration than answers, like:
"Well, you are getting older" or
"We've tried everything, you'll just have to live
with [fill in your symptom/problem here]"
I understand - because I've been there!
At Piedmont Acupuncture Healthcare, we treat your whole body, not a disease. This lets us help you with many health issues that western docs shrug their shoulders at. This is where our value is most powerful!
People come to us when they're ready to make changes
but don't know what to do, or where to start.
Are you aching to feel vibrant, energized, and connected to what makes you YOU?
Click the button below to book an appointment now
with Piedmont Acupuncture Healthcare, we specialize in Complex Chronic Conditions.

What We Treat

Muscle & Joint Pain
Most people familiar with acupuncture, know it's great for low back pain.
Did you know it also relieves arthritis pain, frozen shoulder, post-surgical pain, sprains, broken bones, and any other pain in your muscles, bones & joints - including tendon, ligament & bursa pain
Headache Pain
Several large clinical studies show that acupuncture is more effective or as effective as medication for migraine and chronic tension headaches but with fewer side effects. Acupuncture also helps alleviate the pain of TBI, hormone, sinus, and high blood pressure headaches

Nerve Pain
Studies show that acupuncture is as effective as medication for the nerve pain from shingles but with fewer side effects. Acupuncture also helps stop the pain of peripheral neuropathy, post-stroke pain, pain from MS or Parkinson's, fibromyalgia, HIV/AIDS, cancer, disc herniations and sciatica.
Stress & Anxiety
Sometimes everything comes down to stress. Long-term, stress wears away at your body. Doubt this? On your our last really relaxing vacation... did you have less pain, sounder sleep, smoother digestion, higher energy, better mood? Acupuncture consistently dials back the negative effects of stress. It improves your overall health and quality of life, no matter why you're getting treatment!